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WOFF Bruce Miels 442430

Squadron/s457 SQN
Rank On Discharge/Death Warrant Officer (WOFF)
Mustering / SpecialisationPilot
Date of Birth18 Jan 1921
Date of Enlistment17 Jul 1943
Contributing Author/sDavid Hamilton
Phil Listemann (Author of "The History of 457 Squadron")
Updated by Vince Conant July 2013
The Spitfire Association

Bruce was born on the 18/1/1921 in Keswick, SA and enlisted on the 17/7/1943. After qualifying as pilot fighters he was moved to a Spitfire Squadron.

He served in No 457 Squadron from 1944 to 1945 and was discharged 15/1/1946.

Bruce was assessed as a competent pilot with leadership qualities as befits his rank of Flight Sergeant. He flew ZP-B and the only record now is of a collision with a Liberator bomber on landing.

A58-611 HF.VIII MT829 Arrived in Australia on SS Chanda 12/09/44. Rec 3AD ex UK 16/09/44. Rec 457 Sqn RAAF and coded ZP-B 15/12/44. Accident 19/04/45 when the aircraft landed from a patrol at North Strip at Pitoe when on taxiing back to the squadron bays, suffered a port main blowout at 10-15 miles per hour and collided with a RAAF B-24 (A72-78) despite selecting wheels up to halt his speed. Damage to both aircraft. Pilot, Sgt B Miels Serv#442430 was not injured. Rec 1 RSU 01/11/45. Converted to Components 11/01/46.

Bruce was assessed as a competent pilot with leadership qualities as befits his rank of Flight Sergeant.

The liberator: an uneven match!

Learn more about the squadron/s in which Bruce served.

We do our very best to make sure the information in the stories we share is correct. These stories are maintained to show our respect for the pilots, ground crew, design engineers and all who were involved with the Spitfire. In many cases, the information has been collected from the personal interactions between our members and the pilots and crew featured, and on many occasions, this process happened much later in the veterans' lives. If you believe anything on our site is not historically accurate, we welcome the additional stories, records and photos needed to help us correct the record. We thank you for your understanding.